Knowledge: Infrastructure for Development

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Knowledge is the base and infrastructure for progress and development of every country. The first step in the move for knowledge development, is training and educating learned and morally enriched human resources. Family and school are the first institutions for human upbringing. An important item here, is the question as to who manages the family or school.
Certainly, learned people with moral commitments, would be capable of managing family and school matters in a way to train people in a most effective manner to develop the country. Centers with moral and scientific commitments and training schools, are the ones that shape the future of universities, academia, and lead them towards development of green industry, sustainable environment, and soci-ety with sublime culture. It can be stated that a soul enriched with knowledge and wisdom, would be able to process and analyze world information towards development of products that are sufficiently advanced to be effective to insure human health and meet its needs.
It is said that the information processing power of the conscious mind is 40 bytes per second while the processing power of the unconscious mind is 40 million bytes per second. Unconscious mind has connection with peripheral knowledge which is believed to originate from human soul enriched with knowledge and wisdom. Great people have brought about great revolutions.
Therefore, in order to have sustainable development enriched with production of green products that are competitive in the world, we should rely on the principal infrastructure of the society that is aimed for political development and education of learned people and experts who are enriched with environment-friendly thoughts. In order to reach this goal, we need to have enriched family lives, pro-gressive schools that are in line with global education as well as universities that are well-equipped with scientific laboratories.
Scientific information satellites that can be used for high speed internet, for scientific studies and innovation, for global communication, for development of laboratories and extraterrestrial tools to be used for cosmology and ontology to design naturally-mapped technology, as well as development of think tanks, and academia that are aimed for generation of innovative thoughts/ideas and theory production, research and development sections in industrial centers, to establish connection with scientific centers and outstanding researchers, are among some of the items that should be invested. Such investments should be made with great effort where they are not incumbent on the state only. This effort should be made both by people and the state. The budget for research and innovation that are aimed for global objectives of Iranians should be hundred times of the current budget so that Iranians could attain faraway knowledge in sufficiently short period.
