Projection of the Regional Climate of Iran

Document Type : Promotion Article


Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming,Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran.


It is commonly believed that Planet’s climate is changing, but not uniformly and in the same pattern everywhere. Countries are advised to study the pattern and characteristics of their own geographical region. In this writing we report a preliminary effort in this direction for Iran. We have customized the RegCM software or the Regional Climate Research NETwork, Trieste, Italy, to simulate the short and long term climate of Iran. First we have reproduced the climate of the 1990 decade and compared it with the synoptic data registered by Iran Meteorological Organization, to ensure the validity and fidelity of the simulations. Next we have projected certain climate parameters, pressure, mean and extremes of temperature, and precipitation for the period April 20 – 31, 2013. The work is being continued.


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