Philosophy of Pen

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Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Pen in reference to "written documentation" acts as a means of preserving science and human knowledge, it is trustee of thoughts and ideas of philosophers, it is a connecting link between the past, current and future of humanity. It is stated that the link between heaven and earth is made by pen. In holy Koran, on several occasions and in several verses, sworn is made to pen which is in reference to writings made by pen. It has been confirmed by reputed European writers that it was the writings done by Moslems that shed light into Europe of Mid Centuries and thus leading them to move towards civilized ages. It is stated that prophet wholly EDRIS was the first person who used writing by pen that indicates the wholly position of pen and importance of writing. It has been stated that there are two forms of making statements: statements made verbally and statements done by writings. In the first form, contents become diminished in time and may be forgotten while statements made in writing can remain unchanged forever. This paper explains the importance of pen and pen writing.


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