Lessons to be learned from COVID-19 coronavirus

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran


The coronavirus is an unknown object which is yet to be explored and known. The mission of the coronavirus is not solely to be the cause of disease, human death, and destruction, but also it has other distinctly different functions that need to be explored and examined. Study of this pandemic is not to be confined within the sole realm of life sciences and medical studies; it is to be investigated within the context of multidisciplinary approach including the domain of studies that deal with epistemology, humanities, art, social science, fields of human cognitive insight as well as basic science and medical science. The point of origination of this phenomenon as a pandemic event may be sought in a condition caused by an occurrence of unbalance state within our biological, social life condition where what is happening now is a reaction as a natural response to this unbalanced state. Such a response can be viewed as a corrective action where it is part of a natural response to secure the necessary balance that governs the universe, we live in. If we were able to devise a multifaceted algorithm in three main categories of literacies: general literacy knew as common knowledge, scientific literacy, and finally, a more profound sense or insight often referred to as human wisdom literacy. Therefore, for our understanding of this coronavirus, it is also necessary to use wisdom literacy combined with a clear conscience and inner heart whereby the help of divine guidance, one would be able to understand different functioning of the current coronavirus. No doubt, in every scientific study and research effort, we need to apply wisdom and knowledge for the understanding of phenomena under study such as the coronavirus pandemic and to examine both positives and negative dimensions of a phenomenon under study.
The presence of this virus has been a cause for the human being to organize and adopt a new lifestyle, part of which is to use cyberspace. We will be witnessing further development of this virtual world of internet and communication technologies in which human works and activities would be recorded where it will be possible to revive and explore them at other times. At any rate, the coronavirus is a cause to learn and use it as a lesson for current and future generations so that mankind modifies his lifestyle and move towards a more balanced life condition. One of the best alternatives’ life conditions is to secure a balance of human inner nature combined with high respect to nature and give high value to our natural life.
