Resilience of Halal Meat Products Against Infectious Bacteria

Document Type : Promotion Article


1 Kharazmi University (Former Tarbiat Moallem Univ.), Faculty of Biology,Tehran,Iran.

2 Kharazmi University (Former Tarbiat Moallem Univ.), Faculty of Biology.


Islamic method of animal slaughtering follows a process in which much of the animal blood from anomal vessels and tissues are removed. As blood contains iron sources and is resilient to infections by pathogenic bacteria. Islamic slaughtering makes the meat resistant to infection after being slaughtered. Killing of animals by other methods such as those of using anesthetic guns as well as electric anesthesia, or means of water bath or gas induced unconsciousness are thought to cause less removal of animal blood. Animal rights advocates believe that in Islamic method of slaughtering, the animals suffer more pain during bleedings,. But the scientific evidences prove that Islamic slaughtering methods of killing animals are less brutal than non-Islamic ones as they are more relieving to animals, where state of unconsciousness occurs immediately only next to the cutting the neck in which the animal does not feel pain. Given the importance of Halal food for Muslims, in this paper we wish to discuss and compare the methods of Halal slaughtering with those of non-Islamic methods.


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