Report on the Week of Science Popularization in Islamic Republic of Iran Coinciding with World Science Day for Peace and Development

Document Type : Promotion Article


National Research Institute for Science Policy, Tehran, Iran.


Iranian Association for Popularization of Science aiming for promotion of scientific ideas in co-operation with some of the scientific, cultural and administrative institutions in the country, is honored to hold “The Week of Science Popularization” in current year. The week of 20-26 Aban 1391, Nov 20-26,2012 was welcomed by all people and had a positive impact on the general society. The reason for choosing the month of Aban for the occaision of “ the week of promotion of science” is due to its coincidence with “ World Science Day for Peace and Development” for which Iranian Association for Popularization of Science held “the Week of Science Popularization” in Aban. History of WSDPD goes back to meeting of world conference on science in1999 in Budapest. Above-mentioned Forum was organized by UNESCO and International Council of Science where in 31th plenary session of UNESCO, it was decided to call a day as “World Science Day for Peace and Development” . This decision stems from its root in UNESCO commitment in “World conference on Science” and where because of this obligation, every year, 10th November (20 ABAN) is called as “World Day of Science for Peace and Development”.
