The Role of Lifestyles in Diabetes Adjustment

Document Type : Promotion Article


1 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran

2 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty of Biological Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Recent extension of diabetes has never seen in its ancient hist ory. The interest of people to industrial urbanization, air, water and noise pollution, consumption of industrial and synthetic products instead of natural foods, meta-psychological pressures arising from social and environmental anomalies, undesirable economic competition, especially contemporary lifestyle with little physical activities and finally stay away from spirituality are main reasons for diabetes extension. It is worth mentioning that is not only the health of human organs but also the health and economy of societies are threatened severely by diabetes as a chronic and debilitating disease. However, it is impossible to modify all recent confounding factors in diabetes formation, but it seems that the simplest and easiest way to deal with diabetes is positive changes in lifestyles. Here in, the correct understandings of potent factors in lifestyle modification and rebound to healthy lifestyle have special significance in this procedure correction. In this study, we emphasis on a simple lifestyle changes such as increasing physical activity, enjoyment of a healthy and appropriate diet with respect to the principles of traditional medicine, the strengthening of spiritual and virtue , avoiding from anxiety and psychic pressures and daily enough sleeping. It is clear that all of mentioned factors can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes surely.


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