Study of the Venus Atmosphere

Document Type : Promotion Article


Abdor Rahman Sufi Razi Higher Education Institute, Zanjan, Iran.


In this paper, the history of the evolution of the atmosphere of Venus and the factors affecting it is collected. The initial atmosphere of Venus is composed of hydrogen and helium gases. Weak gravity, heat from the proximity to the Sun and the greenhouse effect have provided escape of lighter gases in the atmosphere. Volcanic activity on the planet surface added other gases to the atmosphere, So today there is a different atmosphere than the initial atmosphere. Analysis of data obtained from measurements a European spacecraft Venus Express in 2006 showed the presence of clouds containing droplets of sulfuric acid. Extreme difference in temperature between the top and bottom layers of clouds is a factor for heat convection in the Hadley cell in the southern and northern hemisphere of Venus. Venus clouds reflect the sun’s radiant light and cause the warming of the planet by trapping infrared radiation emitted from the p lanet’s surface.


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