Apple Therapy

Document Type : Promotion Article


1 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Apple has medicinal properties as well as plenty of food properties. It is a tropical fruit tree in the rose family and there are several types as it is grown in most countries. People think that the treatment of diseases done by drug manufacturing laboratories but certainly, any laboratory in the world in terms of therapeutic value is not comparable to nature laboratory. The artificial agents cannot be compared to natural factors in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Apples contain sugar, fiber, and minerals such as calcium then it can be considered as a functional food. Doctors believe that apple can be calm nerves because of it contains vitamin B. One of the most apple products is apple vinegar that is rich in nutrients and makes it easy to digest. It was the most effective to decrease glucose, cholesterol and high blood pressure and it can help to prevent cancer. Today’s world of advanced technology combined with the growth rate increased environmental stress, the use of functional foods play an important role in the health of society. There has been an increasing appreciation and understanding of correlation between dietary apple and improved health in humans. The widespread and growing intake of apple and their rich phytochemical profile suggest their important potential to affect the health of the populations consuming them. Apple is rich source of phytochemicals, and epidemiological studies have linked the consumption of apples with reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Apple has been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation and lower cholesterol. The purpose of this paper is to review the most recent literature regarding the health benefits of apples and their phytochemical bioavailability and antioxidant behavior as well as miraculous signs and spiritual characterizations.


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