The Iranian Biological Scientific Associations at a Glance

Document Type : Promotion Article


Islamic Azad University, Sceince and Research branch, Departemant of Biological ScienceTehran, Iran.


Scientific associations are the main elements of the scientific institutions throughout the world that accelerate progress and development in the production and promotion of science. Considering the importance of the field of biology at the beginning of the third millennium, the biological associations in Iran have been established and are working to provide an appropriate basis for establishing communication between researchers in this field. This article introduces fourteen biological associations in Iran including: Biosafety Society of Iran, Iranian Bioinformatics Society, Biochemical Society of Iran, Iran Society of Biophysical Chemistry, Iranian Biotechnology Society, Iranian Society of Probiotics and Functional Foods, Iranian Proteomics Society, Iranian Society of Biology, Iranian Genetics Society, Crop Science Society of Iran, Iranian Physiology and Pharmacology Society, Iranian Society of Plant Physiology, Iranian Association for Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, and Federation of Iran Bio-Societies and explain their scientific activities in recent decades. Supporting the publication of books, organizing the meetings and scientific workshops, organizing national and international conferences, being the members of national and international organizations, are some of the main activities of the Iranian associations of biological sciences. Publication of 2 scientific journals in English language and about 13 scientific journals in Persian language are the other important activities of the Iranian associations of biological sciences. Although in some of the associations the growth trend has been ups and downs the activities of these associations have been rising over the last decade. Considering the importance and necessity of coordination and cooperation between biological scientific associations, the Federation of Iran Biosocieties has been established with the aim of increasing further cooperation. The regular academics meetings between scientists and industrial elites, creativity and rationality are the solutions to solve biological problems, and can develop science and technology.


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