International Scientific Cooperation as a Driver for Science and Technology Diplomacy

Document Type : Promotion Article


1 Department of Information Science and Knowledge studies, University of Zabol

2 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Science and Technology Diplomacy (STD) aiming at better understanding and enhancing relations among science and technology for international affairs for coping national and international challenges has been considered seriously in recent decades. One of the most important factors in STD is international scientific collaboration. Analyzing the literature review showed that these elements has been categorized in four groups including infrastructural, national, and international factors. In structural group, international scientific collaborations, academic exchange of students and professors, education, financial aids and copyrights, developing virtual communications and educational infrastructures and focusing on international norms. Facilitating visa for scientific cooperation’s, compiling related regulations in order to publish international researches, Sabbatical Leave and etc. In national level, diplomacy stakeholders like universities and research centers, knowledge base enterprises, incubators, science and technology parks and policy making councils in diplomacy and science and technology related issues are the most important factors. In international group, science and technology exhibitions, internationalization of education, and using people with international figures are the most important indicators. Scientific collaborations and related issues play an important role in enhancing STD. Of course, science creates a kind of diplomacy that requires close cooperation between nations, elites, universities and scientific centers, governmental and non-governmental organizations in different countries. It is necessary to be considered facilities and initiative in to promote scientific collaboration by policymakers and stakeholders in order to accelerate scientific movement and using scientific potentials effectively.


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