Life Satisfaction and The Release of Oxytocin in The Brain as A Neurochemical Hormone

Document Type : Translation and summary


1 University of Tehran, IBB

2 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)

4 INRAE · Biopolymères, Interactions, Assemblages (BIA), Nantes, France


Life satisfaction expresses a positive attitude towards the world in which one lives and depends on various variables, one of which is related to the community and the other to the individual. Various aspects of creating life satisfaction through various sciences have been studied, and each has identified basic and distinct bases in this direction. The study of biological systems indicates the existence of biochemical factors affecting the occurrence of behaviors that are effective in achieving life satisfaction and a sense of worth. Tracing the mechanisms of occurrence of specific features in people of different ages can be the basis for accurately identifying factors affecting these features.
Life satisfaction is related to brain neurochemicals. Oxytocin-Serotonin-Dopamine is known as happiness hormones, whose increase in social relationships makes a person receive a wave of positive emotions. Oxytocin (OT) is a nonapeptide hormone that is central in regulating parturition and lactation. Oxytocin receptor activation triggers several downstream signaling pathways and increases intracellular calcium in uterine myofibrils, ultimately strengthening and increasing the frequency of contractions.
This hormone as a multifunctional neuropeptide by reducing the level of stress and anxiety and creating physiological stability provides the basis for generosity, trust and altruistic behaviors that the product of these behaviors in old age is to induce life satisfaction and feelings of worth in people.
The multifaceted relationship between biological systems-spiritual beliefs and life satisfaction is an exciting issue that requires a complete approach to identify its various aspects. Identifying the neurochemical basis of social behaviors of people of different ages can pave the way for achieving precise results in how to create life satisfaction and its relationship with well-being


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