Pillars of Human Growth from Childhood to Wise Old Age

Document Type : Editorial


Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Mirza Taqi Khan Amir Kabir uses an instructive statement: "If you aim on a one-year activity, grow wheat; if your aim for on a ten-year activity, plant a tree; and if you aim for a hundred-year plan of activity, educate and train human". Human being in all age periods starting from period of childhood up to old age, need training and use of educational centers whose pillars are based on noble family life structure, science-oriented schools, science-ethic based universities, wise academies and finally cultural and moral oriented society. Social and respectful position of educators, teachers and professors constitute as the main pillars of human education. Therefore, as a first step, it is necessary to recognize and train and educate capable teachers for building capacity of above-mentioned educations.
In the cultural society, it is necessary that the seeds of reproduction of culture be based on knowledge and moral ethic. It takes decades to have a knowledgeable and experienced teacher for educating and training of our children. One of the most important and priority programs of the country should be preserving outstanding teachers in schools and universities and gain their general satisfaction. The infrastructure needed for country's progress resides on the realm of scientific education and ethical culture and satisfaction of teachers, pupils as well as students. 
Changes in migration trend of brilliant talents and reversing the migration of scientists should be principal policy of the country's short-term planning and where speed of decision-making process and well thought practical plans can play an important role in economic transformation and curbing inflation. It can be noted that industrial production that is aimed for export purpose goes through the cycle of science and requires coordination and centralization of scientific human resources. Toward this goal, collaboration among scientific centers, universities aiming at high level goals and industry and government sectors combined with investment of private sector and finally people may provide the main solution to adjust and reverse the migration of brilliant talents.
 Ali A. Moosavi-Movahedi
